Kimberly Arnelle| PraYerologist
5 min readJan 4, 2021


Yay You MADE it through to 2021! That is a great accomplishment.. so now what you may ask?

Some claim this as the first official week of 2021 and like many of you I am embracing it. I saw many funny memes kicking 2020 out of the door. But I must admit that I learned a lot of about myself and the world. Would you agree?

If you are a college Football Fan than the term “chippy” has resounded in your ears vibrantly over the past weekend

Let me catch you up.. two football teams in a bowl game broke out into a brawl. Neither coach nor the players managed their tempers well and judgement is being handed out on both sides. So “chippy” (chip on the shoulder) means moody, poor sportsmanship, lack of accountability and the list goes on.

Basically there was a lack of emotional control and response by those on and off the field. But wait…In a new Year? Oh no! Certainly Not! Wow ~ Who would have thought right? I mean it is a scientific fact that once the clock strikes 12 on December 31st when the ball drops that old habits, bad choices and limiting behavior morphs into a halo? Of course we know that this is not the case, but there is hope for our states.

Perhaps it is now high time for us get on the good foot. Actually I began the New Year a few months ago to to gain a head start and set some things in motion with results on Christmas Day. I’m bragging on God just a little !

The SEASON of EPHIPHANY is upon us.. Yes revelations, insight, change and comfort. A time for clarity and NEW VISION. I pray that the players of the game I love have had a moment to gather some insight. But even as I type this, the “Chippy” attitude and word has spilled over into the NFL realm now (as I watch the game) You see it’s negativity is contagious behavior. And whatever you focus on the most becomes magnified in your life.

As we engage within these 52 weeks of this year (even after reading this in 7 days the next Welcome Monday morning post will be written ) and there will be 51 weeks remaining…

Do you see how time flies? That’s why it is so crucial in this SEASON to MIND YOUR VISIONS…

What did she say? ..Yes I said it and I’m so excited and happy because I know YOU know exactly what I mean.

Are there other phrases that may be similar that come to mind like ?____________________________”stay in your lane, etc”

Well the first to living out and Manifesting those Visions Dreams & Goals takes a little bit of Mind management. Yes managing the Mind . Letting Go of the past and moving forward to ASCEND. Not just going farther but reaching higher to a NEW LEVEL.

MINDSET management along with and Mental /Emotional Wellness and PEACE are crucial in this area. It always has been but now with all that is going on the light is shining brighter in this area. It can also be said that an influx of resources will be needful in managing our PEACE as we are loaded with information daily , sometimes to our won detriment.

I believe that MINDING OUR own VISIONS can help to alleviate many physical , mental and emotional stressors.

As you embark on the NEWNESS of this year you have the power to change YOU and your circumstances. The things you cannot control will not be my focus this year. That’s some great empowerment right there. No matter what is going on around a person, We can choose to be different. There’s nothing that you and God cannot handle together ! Isn’t that Awesome? The WAYMAKER is on YOUR SIDE

I can testify that when I have made up my mind about something, When I am sick and tired of being sick and tired , the finality of the decision is up to me and that CHOICE is FREEDOM

In order to continue to receive clarity of thought ,new Epiphanies, and fresh ideas, I have to keep my MIND free of Clutter.

Okay allow me to share a few steps with you

Go back and reflect and take inventory really quickly to determine if you have VISION for this time in your life. Do you have a vision , or dream today? If not it’s okay to admit and work through that. If you are experiencing extended lengths of internal conflicts and brawls or “chippyness” that you can’t seem to overcome, be sure to speak with someone

The first step to Vision Setting or Goals setting in knowing that You have the right to the Visions, Dreams & Goals that are stirring on the inside of you.

They belong to you, No explanation is needed. No comparison necessary.

these are the Prayers that YOU prayed and they become evident.

Toyin Crandell — High Performance Success Coach says this

‘Change happens when you are committed to your Dream DESPITE every single reason “you can’t”. Even if they are facts’. -Toyin C.

I love this quote because even if it is a fact, it does not necessarily mean that is a TRUTH that I have to embrace for myself.

So take a Moment to sit still, and enjoy a moment of Mindfulness. The Mind of Christ is your portion today!

Love on your Dreams, Love on Your Visions, Love on Your God!

1.Own them by writing them down

2. Confess them aloud , Don’t ask for permission just do it daily

3. Think on Lovely things Phi 4:8 to manage and ease your emotions

The wellbeing of humankind emotionally and mentally is a complex issue that surely deserves respect and exposure. As a health care provider and woman of Faith I am compassionate to the specialty

* Remember you have a Right and rightful access to the Way-maker!

* There’s nothing more powerful than a MADE UP MIND

Type and repeat after me _____________________________

“ I have a made up MIND and balanced emotions. I have a Sound Mind full of Love and Power, Minding My VISIONS”

Welcome Monday Morning








~Kimberly Arnelle

Pray Well. Stay Well



Kimberly Arnelle| PraYerologist

Hi there, I'm Kim a daughter, wife, mother and lover of Spiritual things. I crave pops of color, laughter, and Coffee is is a liquid vitamin to me. Welcome!